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NEW! Mandatory coaches clinics & background checks.


Coach Questionnaire
Background Check Exclusion Form
Coaches Code of Conduc/Responsibilities Form
 All Stars Background Check Form

Coach Training


All Stars ABC requires all of our coaches to complete both the Coaching Youth Sports AND sport specific section on Soccer to be elgible to coach.  These online clinics will address what is expected of someone coaching young athletes including proper coaching techniques, drills, safety concerns, allegation prevention and provide an opportunity to have any questions answered.   All coaches will be required to complete a background check by submitting a simple online form. Prior to coaching all coaches must complete the online training.



Coach Matt Rivera


Coach Matt Rivera is a proud member of the City of Kissimmee. Coach Rivera has been in law enforcement for over 10 years and has been an Officer with Kissimmee Police Department for over 2 years. Prior to that, Coach Rivera was a Deputy Sheriff for 8 years with the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office. Coach Rivera has recently earned his Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Valencia College. Coach Rivera currently coaches his kids as a youth soccer coach for St. Cloud Soccer League. His passion is to be out on the fields with his kids while teaching other kids the importance of organized sports.

Coach Rivera first started coaching while stationed overseas serving in the United States Air Force.  He coached young kids in basketball and soccer. He also was a part of the Ramstein AFB base soccer team which he was able to travel throughout Germany and England playing soccer while representing the Air Force. Coach Rivera grew up in California playing all sports but found soccer was his go to sport. He played at recreational levels as a kid and worked his way to the Olympic Development Program in his region. Coach Rivera is a licensed coach with U.S. Soccer Federation and is currently working towards his next level license.

Coach Rivera will be an active member of the All Stars Are Bright organization as Director of Soccer program. He will be using his experience and passion as a mentor to serve the community. Coach Rivera has a strong desire to use soccer as a platform for strengthening community ties and keeping kids off the streets.  He plans on using his position as a police officer to encourage positive interaction between law enforcement and the community they serve

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